Grettisgötu 89
105 Reykjavik


Information about strike in english

We use our webpage - and you need electronic ID or Íslykil. Use the link below.

(The link will be active from 9:00 o'clock on monday 17. feb. to 20:00 o'clock wednesday 19. feb.)

The ballot  it self is in Icelandic but on it is the places where we will strike and also the dates, these information are also hera on the website.

You can also come to Sameyki's office and vote there. Grettisgata 89, 105 Reykjavík, open 9:00-16:00



Wage agreements of Sameyki with the government, City of Reykjavík and Samband Íslenskra Sveitarfélaga have been open since 31 March 2019, or almost for a whole year.

Important matters to be discussed
We have tried as hard as we possibly can to obtain agreements. But conclusions on important matters have still not been reached, such as:

  • Setting wages
  • Equalling wages between public servants (government employees) and employees on the general job market
  • Shortening of the working week
  • Implementation of wage drift insurance
  • Other important issues, such as vacation matters, training issues, increased payments in the subsidy and sickness fund, etc.

Negotiators have also demanded that we give up important rights from the wage agreement, which we have always steadfastly refused to do and completely rejected. We have been offered lower wage increases than were agreed on the general market in the so-called “standard of living agreement”.

We have had enough It must be mentioned that discussions on all of these aspects have taken an enormous amount of time and have been very difficult. It seems that negotiators have decided to tire us out until we give up – which will not happen. WAGE AGREEMENTS NOW!

The strike procedures will be of two kinds:

  • A general strike, in which all members who work for the government stop working temporarily for a specified period of time that is decided before the strike begins.
  • Strikes restricted to institutions, in which certain institutions will go on indefinite strike until negotiations have been completed.

Those who will go on general strike are members of Sameyki who work for:

  • The government
  • City of Reykjavík
  • Akranes town and Höfði nursing and residential home
  • Seltjarnarnes municipality

In a general strike, Sameyki members of the employers mentioned above will stop working on the following days:

  • From and including 00:00 (midnight) Monday 9 March 2020 until 00.00 (midnight) Wednesday 11 March 2020 (two whole days)
  • From and including 00:00 (midnight) Tuesday 17 March 2020 until 00.00 (midnight) Thursday 19 March 2020 (two whole days)
  • From and including 00:00 (midnight) Tuesday 24 March 2020 until 00.00 (midnight) Wednesday 25 March 2020 (one whole day)
  • From and including 00:00 (midnight) Thursday 26 March 2020 until 00.00 (midnight) Friday 27 March 2020 (one whole day)
  • From and including 00:00 (midnight) Tuesday 31 March 2020 until 00.00 (midnight) Thursday 1 April 2020 (two whole days)
  • Indefinite, from and including 00:00 (midnight) Wednesday 15 April 2020

Those who will go on an indefinite strike are members of Sameyki who work for:

  • Skatturinn (previously Ríkisskattstjóri and Tollstjóri)
  • Sýslumannsembætti offices
  • Frístundaheimili after-school centres in Reykjavík and Seltjarnarnes
  • Elementary schools in Reykjavík and Seltjarnrnes
  • Þjónustu- og nýsköpunarsviði Reykjavíkurborgar
  • Akranestown
  • Canteeen in Mýrarhúsaskóla

Indefinite strike of members at the above workplaces begins from and including 00:00 (midnight) Monday 9 March 2020.

All members affected by the strike must apply for strike pay electronically through Sameyki’s Mínar síður. An application form for strike pay will be put up there as soon as possible. Information on how much you work will be requested, compared to those working full-time, along with where to deposit the money.

Wages during study leave are stopped during a strike and the member must take the leave later.
Members who are called to work according to an exemptions list must carry out their work in accordance with their normal duties. The jobs should be aimed at ensuring minimum safety factors and safety of patients and that no one will be harmed directly by strike actions.
The highest managers can do all the jobs in a strike because they are responsible for the operation of the institution. For instance, a head teacher or university chancellor can perform the duties of a caretaker and open a school building for students, answer the phone, etc.
No changes will occur to the circumstances of those who are on parental leave. Wage payments to members on parental leave come from the Fæðingarorlofssjóður fund and thus are not affected by the strike of members who work according to Sameyki’s wage agreement with negotiators.

During a strike, the main obligations of the employment contract are discontinued. This means that parties may not perform clauses of the employment contract during the strike. Therefore members do not get wages while the strike is ongoing and do not receive sick benefit either, even though the sickness had started before the strike started.

A member who is on sick leave can, however, apply for strike pay as s/he has a right to payment from the Vinnudeilusjóður fund, in the same way as if s/he were in work.

During a strike, the existing shift rota applies. Changes to it, including extra shifts or alterations to shifts, are not permitted except with the permission of the exemptions committee appointed by the trade union.

The same rules apply for members doing timework as for those who are employed on a permanent basis. If a member is registered with a work percentage or on a shift register, the existing shift rota applies and the member is then in the group of those who can work on a security list (exemptions list). If a member doing timework is not registered on a shift rota, s/he is considered as being on strike in the same way as others are, and therefore is not eligible for jobs according to exemption lists.


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